
"There is no more lovely, friendly or charming relationship, communion or company, than a good marriage." ~Martin Luther

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Sexual Purity

A few weeks ago, there was a hot question on Myne’s Blog about Christianity and sex. I read through the comments and was very thrilled and pleased to see that a number of Christians voiced out their opinion against premarital sex. We all know that the subject of premarital sex can be controversial and a lot of people see nothing wrong with it. However more and more young adults are beginning to realise that it is a big deal and it pays to wait till marriage to have sex.
We would not be addressing why premarital sex is wrong today. We already addressed this in the let's talk about sex post. We want to share practical steps on how to avoid falling into the temptation of sexual sin or fornication as the bible puts it when dating/courting.  Many young christians struggle with this issue in their relationships. Society has made us believe it is not possible to abstain from premarital sex or to be sexually pure but that is a lie from the pit of hell. If it were not possible God would not have commanded it. 

These tips are for singles who take sexual purity seriously and want to commit to God, themselves and their future spouse.

Be sure you and your boyfriend are on the same page when it comes to being sexually pure. We don’t believe only the girl in a relationship should be concerned about being sexually pure, both the guy and girl are to be held to the same standards, God's standards. What does sexual purity and sexual sin mean to both of you. Read verses in the bible that talk about sexual immorality and discuss them. Make sure you do this early in the relationship before your emotions start raging high (at this point it will be hard to make any reasonable decisions). If you realise you are both on different pages, then it might be worth reevaluating the purpose of that relationship. Our advice is that you going into a relationship with a fellow christian who is on the same page as you. This will make it easier to overcome sexual sin.

Write out your standards and ask God to help you stick to them. You can make your own purity pledge cards or check google and print one and keep on you. Some singles choose to wear a purity ring or purity necklace or bracelet till they get married. Both of you should be committed to sticking to your pledge however don’t rely on your boyfriend to enforce the standards. If your boyfriend is weak, you have to step up, be strong and nip things in the bud.  
Tell yourself it can happen to you. I think one big problem that dating Christians have is they think it cannot happen to them i.e. falling into sexual sin. As a result, temptation creeps up on them and they are ill prepared. By acknowledging that you are human and you have feelings and that YOU can fall into sexual sin, you can be more prepared and guard yourselves against sin.

Be accountable to others about your relationship. Find a mentor, this could be an older Christian married couple or another Christian dating couple you trust and who takes sexual purity seriously and be accountable to them. When you know you have to report back on your dating affairs to someone that should help keep you in check.

Focus on talking and not on touching. Communication is very essential to the success of a relationship. Talk about anything and everything. The more you talk the more you know about the other person and the more you touch, the less you talk and the less you know about the other person. 
Plan your time together well in advance on activities to do together. Avoid staying indoors for long or in places where you cannot be interrupted. This can be a very conducive atmosphere to fall into temptation. Go out more often, spend time with other dating couples, spend time with family and spend more time in public places. This forces you to do more talking and less touching.  Sleepovers are a no-no or sitting in the car together alone. You are only setting yourselves up for a fall.

This might sound odd but don’t pray together behind closed doors. I have found that praying together makes you feel close and intimate  and could actually lead you to other things you are trying to avoid.

Renew your mind. Sexual purity starts from the mind. What are you feeding your mind on, what books do you read, what TV or Internet programs do you watch, what type of music do you listen to. Feed your mind with the word of God, inspirational books, and edifying materials. I am not saying watching movies is bad but it gets to a point in your christian walk that you find some movies or music unedifying.

Take the relationship sloooooow… When things are moving too fast like a car going out of control, pull the brakes! Ask yourself why the rush, where are we rushing to? Be in control of your relationship and not the relationship in control of you. Time has a way of showing us what really matters. Remember Love is patience

Engaged couples are even more susceptible to premarital sex.  Don’t get engaged till there is a wedding date in sight. Be more on your guard. Avoid tapping into the privileges of marriage before marriage especially sexually. Quarter to marriage is not the same as being married.

If you have fallen into sexual sin, there is still hope for you. The key is not to stay defeated or think oh well, "I might as well continue since I am in it already". No! Repent, ask God to forgive you and restore you back to him. Staying sexually pure is possible. Implement a plan to avoid falling into future temptation, as they will come

God honours sexual purity. A lot of marriages are in trouble today because of the seed of sexual immorality that was sown premarital days. The cost of  sexual impurity is very high and as a child of God do what you must to avoid it.

We would love to hear your tips on staying sexually pure .

God bless


  1. Very realistic and practicable points.

  2. Thanks for sharing these tips for us singles.
    I liked the fact that you mentioned praying together and the emotions that it could bring up. I have heard this before, at first I was taken aback but it makes sense the more I have been thinking about it and from the way that you describe it.

    Thanks again!

    1. You are welcome.

      Yah I didn't think the praying part made sense in my single days, I mean isn't that meant to make you more spiritual... then I experienced it :)

  3. Thanks for this post. All the points are very relevant. Sincerely, it is tough being sexually pure but God's grace is enough. Another suggestion would be set boundaries. What and what is allowed and what could be referred to as "going too far". That way, you know what not to do. When boundaries are not set, everything goes...

    - LDP

    1. @LDP thanks for your comment. I definitely do agree that boundaries need to be set. but purposely avoided using the "how far should we go" yardstick question, because I think that necessarily isn't the right question to ask. That's probably another topic on its own :)

  4. Great tips here aloted.

    I'm thinking "Avoid staying indoors for long or in places where you cannot be interpreted" shud have been interrupted not interpreted, am i right?

    The praying aspect is so true, I actually never thought of it before.

    1. @jhazmyn thanks dear for noticing. changed that now :)

      I realised the praying aspect in my dating years. phew!

  5. Love this post! Great advice

  6. Word!!! I sure will be directing peops here!

  7. Mentor ship and accountability are 2 very important points here. And yes, ladies have a lot more responsibility often times we do more to maintain the standard so if one is feeling tempted, better seek help before its too late!

    1. P.E.T Project you are right. We ladies have a lot of responsibility when it comes to sexual purity in a relationship. If we leave it to the men...hmm long thing o! :)

  8. I like this post, even more so because I am practicing celibacy even though I have been previously married and have 2 children from that marriage. Having premarital sex leads to soul ties which can be very hard to sever. Kudos to you for this post!

    1. Queen of my castle, thanks so much for your honesty. I can't imagine that celibacy will be easy after marriage..I pray for God's strength for you.

      I totally feel you about soul ties. A lot of people are in soul ties and they don't even know but wonder why their relationships are not working out.

      We will blog about soul ties soon.

  9. thank you for sharing. But i must say here that people arent so open about being Christians these days cos they are afraid of being derided for their faith. Thus it is quite hard to find fellow Christian dating couples to go out with. I have been dating for 3 years now and I am yet to meet one. We are both against pre-marital sex so on that we have been on the same page but sometimes it would be nice to have other people on the same page with us to talk to and go out with.
    thank you for this post.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks for your comment. Sorry to hear you can't find other Christians around to hang out with. Where are you based?

      Glad to hear you and your date are both against pre-marital sex and my prayer is that God brings along your way a mentor or other dating Christians who will be a support system to you and your date.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  10. This is a good read.Premarital sex is WRONG because God says so.There's not two ways around it.However,it's seeming as if even Christianity is losing it grip on sex before marriage,it's becoming a norm.May God have mercy.

  11. I'm loving this.I so much love ur down to earth talk including the things we do if they edify us enuf to keep us pure in our relationship.#wellsaid#

    My blog is
    Will love to be getting more frm u

  12. I must say I love what you do on this blog and I am inspired. I'll like to follow you and would like if you do the same too but first check out my blog...:)

    1. Thank you Beauty! Will check out your blog

  13. Thank you for this very very informative and helpful post. Like NoLimit said, I will be directing people to this post.
    God bless you xx


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